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About Company

We believed that we shall make a difference in personal financial planning by advising clients way beyond usual expectations. We know that our vision can change the financial landscape of clients. By offering transparency and full fee disclosure from day one, my Money Tree has led the way to ensure that clients are on the right path to fulfill their dreams, while at the same time delivered a value proposition that can be uniquely customized according to individual needs.

This is the reason why we founded my Money Tree, what still drives us today is our ability to create better Personal Financial Plans for hard-working Indians. It is indeed heartening to see the positive impact we had made and will continue to make.

The product centric approach to Personal Finance has left majority of household of middle and upper middle class without access to quality advice.

Jargon filled advisory methods have misled millions of families from the capital markets. We wish to change this scenario.

my Money Tree is on a mission to change the wealth management ecosystem by using Latest Technology and tools that facilitates three Major Objectives broadly